What Does LL77 Mandate?

Make your Cooling Tower and Water Treatment solution simple—for turnkey solutions, reach out to React Technical today. Mandated by LL77, you know your water treatment plan has to meet specific standards. If you want the best quality service and to make your facility the best possible work environment, React wants to help. Minimize your chance of losing heat transfer and maintain the health of your cooling tower. The water treatment of cooling towers plays an enormous role in the overall safety and success of your facility; React works to rid your system of corrosion, contamination, and other harmful deterrents.

Mandates from LL77:

  • Local Law 77 requires that your cooling tower is tested, cleaned, and disinfected routinely through a maintenance program.
  • Tower Inspection – cooling towers must be inspected every 90 days & Before Seasonal Start-Up by a Qualified Professional. This includes inspection for the presence of organic material, biofilm, algae, and other visible contaminants.
  • Legionella testing is required and must be performed at a certified laboratory (for health care facilities or other high risks as determined by the plan). These are done to test for the outbreak of legionnaires and disease.
  • The overall conditions of the sump basin, eliminators, fill material, water make up connections, and controls must be inspected. Proper functioning of the conductivity controller and chemical metering equipment including solenoid bleed must be part of the overall inspection.
    • Testing – every 90 days
    • Cleaning – Twice a year
    • Disinfection – Using Category 7G pesticide

We Help You Stay Compliant with LL77

For cooling tower repairs, maintenance, and unmatched service from the experts, you can trust our service. Stay compliant and avoid fines by working with React. Unlike other cooling tower repair companies, we are incredibly knowledgeable about Local Law 77 cooling tower mandates and requirements. We don’t just offer repair services; we build a maintenance program and plan that involves regularly scheduled inspections so that you don’t have to worry about staying compliant.

Local Law 77 Requires;


Emergency Cooling Tower Leak Repair

Cooling tower leak repair is often needed when a cooling towers basin springs a leak. Seams, where sheet metal components are welded together, can weaken, causing water to leak out the basin. They can also corrode over time from the metal’s constant exposure to moisture. At React, we prove emergency cooling tower repair for leaks, quickly resolving the problem and preventing further damage.


It can be daunting to keep track of constantly evolving rules and regulations regarding your water treatment. React specializes in analyzing and adapting to new trends and standards that can make your water treatment obsolete. We work with your facility to find a specific solution that fulfills every rule and regulation all while we provide your cooling tower with a solution that fosters heat transfer and water treatment efficiently.

The state of your building and cooling tower correlates directly with employee productivity—if your employees aren’t working in a safe environment that’s climate controlled, you run the risk of hampering production and endangering their health. React wants to keep your facility running—we want what’s best for you and your system, so we can minimize risk and provide a cost-effective solution to you. We partner with qualified providers to deliver a system that’s perfect for your needs and keeps your facility humming and your employees healthy.

Repair and protect your building by complying with the rules of the city. For the best cooling tower maintenance and repair services in the New York City area, contact React today.